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I bought Biotin a few months ago and I was using it religiously but stopped after a few months due to sheer laziness and forgetfulness. Anyway, I have read the benefits of Biotin in hair growth and I've been dying to try it because my hair is really stubborn. If you must know, my hair is thick in quality (strand wise) and quantity (a whole lot of them). I got a haircut on October 2010 to get rid of my dead ends and settled for an inverted bob. Of course as most haircuts go, there are usually different phases where you love the cut and then after awhile you hate how it's grown bit or vice versa. To get to the point, I needed my hair long to create a proper and neat ponytail/bun since I hated loose strands on my face. My hair takes forever to grow so here I am testing this again just to see how effective it.

What is Biotin? It's a basically a vitamin B-complex (specifically B7) that plays a role in certain metabolic processes that occur in our body and in cell growth. You can get the synthetic form or you can get it from eating egg yolks alone (do not eat the egg whites to get the effect)(Source). There is question whether it really is effective for hair which is why I'm willing to try it out on a daily, consistent basis to see if it works.

I will be using my bangs to measure the changes. Right now it is up to my chin. I will report to this blog on the 30-day mark and the 60th day (lol I look creepy).


Warning: Please do not try synthetic vitamin supplements impulsively like me. It's a good idea to speak with a physician just to make sure you have no allergies or complications or if this is the right product for you. Or just eat egg yolks by itself on a daily basis.


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